Wednesday 19 September 2007

Stage 2 -Life in the information services

Working styles:
Ever since the creation of computers working styles have changed dramatically .The communication in the working world has increased but only over computers .People in the working world are hardly working face to face with other people.For instance, say you wanted to send a message to America. It could take anything up to 2 weeks but if you send it via email it would be there in a matter of seconds.People are now working from home which can come across lazy as you have all your home comforts at work.There are many benefits of this though. An example of this is, if you have children but need to be at work you can manage your children whilst working saving you money for childcare .
Also another benefit is you can save money and time by not having to drive to work .This relives stress and money issues.


Communication has rapidly increased since the creation of today’s technology.More and more people are communicating through means of technology such as mobile phones, next gen game consoles, computers and PDA’s ,Technology for communication is the foundation for most life on this planet. If it wasn’t for computers and the internet how would we communicated to people all around the world in a matter of seconds? Or what about talking to someone with out being with them using mobiles phones?There are so many advantages of communication such as being able to send emails to people from around the world in seconds were as communicating through mail is a lot slower, Ringing people via a mobile or land line phone also is a big advantage as you don’t have to travel to the person you wish to talk to .There are also disadvantages of communication, such as postal workers being useless and out of work because all letters are sent via email ,Communicating over any means of technology like phones and computers cost us money, were as if you just walk to see the person you don’t need to spend money .

Employment opportunities:

Without the help of online services such as, millions of people would struggle to get employed. Because is a service that provides you with the means to sell yourself to a company indirectly, so it wouldn’t matter if you were a shy person or not because you would only need to post your C.V. on to monster, and if a job place props up that suits your C.V. then you mite get a phone call.

These types of online services could affect your professional life because first of all it could get you a job as a sales person selling people’s C.V.s to a recruitment company. Also these types of services could affect your personal lives because before these services were available you would have to go out and try to get yourself a job.

I think that these services are very good, because they not only save time but running your C.V. through a service such as, allow you to get seen by a lot of companies who may be interested in recruiting you. So I think that these services are an advantage to our personal and professional lives.

Banking and shopping:

Banking and shopping services are widely available and easily accessible via the internet in this new and exciting technological age.
Many banks such as HSBC, Lloyds TSB and Nationwide all have their services readily available online, especially designed for you to use at home, the services that they provide include, the ability to do money transfers, direct debit and check your bank balance.

Online shopping services are an important part of the modern world’s economy, as these online shops produce millions if not billions of pounds in profit per annum. Shops such as Argos, Comet, PC world, Sony etc have online shops to increase their sales and subsequently their profits each year.

Online banking services have a positive impact on our professional lives because they make things so much quicker and easier, and nowadays “time is money”. They also have an impact on our personal and social lives, because you could waste hours of time just going down to the bank to pay in a cheque or to do a money transfer, whereas now you can just do it online, and you could play world of war craft for an hour instead. It also affects our social lives because it means that we get to spend more time with friends and family.

Online shopping services are a great advantage to our lives, because it makes it easier to browse through the stock lists of many different shops at the click of the button, saving time and effort. Leaving you with more time on your hands to do the things that you want to do.
If you have more people shopping on line, it means that less people are going out in their cars, thus reducing the impact on global warming and reducing congestion in towns and industrial estates. Increasing the quality of people’s personal lives and social lives.
Also there are a lot of online deals that you can get on a wide range of products which will improve your professional life because you can save money on the products you buy.


Online services that provide an online learning experience are now widely available, internet sites such as and, are great education sites that provide tutoring for all levels of study.

These services can affect your professional life because with the extra study that you do online, you will most probably get a better grade in your exams, which would mean a higher paid job and a better quality of personal and social life.

There are other types of education sites that are devoted to a very specific study and level of work; these are called VLE’s or Virtual Learning Environment. These sites are setup by a school for a specific subject that is being taught at that school, for example engineering, and these sites are designed to educate a student to a specific level such as a level of distinction in engineering.
These sites also have their benefits to our lives, because it means that you can study in your own time, instead of only being able to study while at school.

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